Research Monographs

Restructuring Elderly Care in Response to Regional Depopulation

Restructuring Elderly Care in Response to Regional Depopulation

  • Author

    Kim, Sejin

  • Publication Date


  • Pages


  • Series No.

    연구보고서 2024-19

  • Language


The purpose of this study is to reorganize the elderly care system to support Aging in Place for older adults in extinction risk area. To this end, the study employed the following research methods. First, issues concerning the distribution of care resources were identified through an analysis of the population and resource status in at-risk regions. Second, existing policies supporting regions at risk of population extinction elderly care policy were analyzed. Third, FGIs with elderly care policy users and service providers were conducted to explore how care services are accessed and delivered in these regions. Fourth, domestic and international cases from regions facing or already experiencing extinction risks were analyzed. Based on these research findings, this study suggested the following policies.


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