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KIHASA Selected as Top Research Institute of 2023

  • Date 2024-05-20
  • Hits 255

KIHASA was selected as a top research institute among 26 research institutes affiliated with the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, ranking in the top 10% in the Council's 2023 Research Institute Evaluation. The award ceremony was held at the Council's Grand Auditorium at the Sejong National Policy Research Complex on May 17. At the ceremony, KIHASA's Dr. Oh Wook-chan and Dr. Bae Jae-yong each received awards for excellent practical research.


  • Top Research Institute: KIHASA, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements

  • Sector Award: [Research] Korea Institute of Public Finance, Korea Women's Development Institute / [Management] Architecture & Urban Research Institute, Korea Maritime Institute

  • Innovation Award: Korea Energy Economics Institute, Korea Institute for National Unification